Smart Home Technology
What is Smart Home Technology? Smart home technology allows you to control items around your home with the push of a button or voice command. Today we’ll be looking at some smart home hubs and controllers that can automate numerous tasks around the house. We’ll also...
Phase Two of Easing Lockdown Restrictions
On Thursday evening, Health Minister Salvador Illa indicated that, from Monday 1st June, Malaga will move into Phase Two of easing lockdown restrictions. Here’s an overview of the changes that will be made moving from Phase One into Phase Two. If you missed our...
Lockdown Phase One – What Are We Allowed To Do?
On Monday 18th May, Malaga moved into Phase One of easing lockdown restrictions. Here’s what Phase One means and what we’re allowed to do during this time. Phase One will allow gatherings of up to ten people. This rule applies whether the gathering is taking...
Positive News On Coronavirus
In light of the Coronavirus, we wanted to share some positive stories from around the world. Spain confirmed that one parent could take up to three children outdoors for an hour to ease lockdown restrictions. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has...
5 Overlooked Cleaning Projects You Should Do
As lockdown and spending our time indoors continues, why not embark on a few less-obvious cleaning projects? Here are some of the overlooked areas of the house. Ceiling Fans Your ceiling fans collect dust like no other, and they most likely have not been...